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Pupils are given the opportunity to become the most competent readers, writers and speakers & listeners that they can be. We use curriculum guidance from the National Curriculum Programs of Study. We use Read, Write Inc. (RWI) as our phonic and reading scheme. It is also the basis of our daily literacy sessions across the lower part of the school. These sessions focus on the acquisition of phonic skills which are applied in reading, writing and spelling. Children have a RWI reading book which they read at school and at home and also a book chosen from the class or school library. This range of reading materials supports us in encouraging children to read a wide range of materials for enjoyment. As children become more fluent readers they continue to read in their daily literacy session and have a book chosen from the library. They take part in 3 weekly guided reading sessions focusing on text features and understanding the text.




We take curriculum guidance from The Nation Curriculum Programs of Study. We teach children to be confident, competent mathematicians who are able to apply their skills and knowledge to other areas of the curriculum and their daily life. Our teaching encourages the quick recall of number facts including multiplication tables and these SMIRFS (key instant recall facts) become targets for pupils to achieve. The SMIRFs are fully documented in our Home/School Contact Books for parents to support their children's learning. Children are taught how to use a wide range of mathematical equipment including IT to support their learning.



 Science is taught in practical way in order to encourage and further develop children's curiosity and interest in the world around them. Topics taught include: Light, Sound, Health, Earth & Space, Plants, Animals, Electricty, Forces and Materials. Our teaching helps children to develop the scientific skills of observing, classifying, measuring, recording, hypothesising, designing & carrying out investigations including the concept of fair testing and drawing conclusions from evidence gathered.



Children are taught to use ICT equipment confidently and purposefully. Each classroom is equipped with an interactive Smartboard and both main classrooms have their own laptop trolleys which enables children easy access to IT whenever it enhances the curriculum. Internet safety features highly and is embedded throughout the computing curriculum.

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